Blog - Corcoran Communications




Finding social media influencers

By Ruth Corcoran | January 3, 2018

You may not realize it, but social media influences much of what we do, from our purchasing habits to our political views and so much more. Chances are you’ve seen recommendations from a social media influencer, but maybe you didn’t realize you were following an influencer. An influencer can be anyone with credibility, industry specific […]

When family and business collide

By Ruth Corcoran | December 18, 2017

Since this blog is in its early stages with the launch of our new website, I wanted to write a bit about myself, my son and our crazy life as an introduction. It’s all about family and business. I recently welcomed my son, Greg Quinn, as a partner in my marketing business. It’s now a […]

Developing a social media marketing plan to build your brand

By Ruth Corcoran | November 9, 2017

Social media is all about engaging your audience. If you’re not taking advantage of social media to help build your brand, you may be missing out on a cost effective marketing tool. What exactly is engaging your social media audiences? Its building followers and getting likes, comments, shares, retweets and clicks to your posted links. […]

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